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By Beidi , 8
Recorded at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh BLAST School Outreach on January 1, 2011
Description: I dream of growing up to be an artist.It is my dream
because I've always been taking drawing lessons and
I was always good at it.Also, I enjoy it very much and
was always very sad when I was sick and couldn't
go.That was why growing up to be artist..
Suggested Stories:
Rules at My School
by Daniel, 10
Students and Teachers
by Devonte, 10
Letters To The Editor
by Janae, 14
Better tech leads to better grades
by Jimmy, 14
Letters To The Editor
by Eddie, 15
What I Like About Kindergarten
by Marissa, 6
A Message For Tom Wolf
by Nikki, 18
School Rules
by Patience, 17
Girls are better at English
by Mark, 16
When student voice matters
by Jordan, 15
My Role Model
by Erin, 18
Becoming A Teacher
by Kate, 17
Now Library Only Open A Few Periods
by Devonte, 16
My relationship with my school
by Emmanuel, 16
Advice For Kindergarten
by David, 16
More Teacher Aids
by Taina, 13
Poverty And School To Prison Pipeline
by Norma, 16
Differences in schools
by Sardorbek, 14
Benefits of Rewards and Positive Thinking
by Omar, 10
Music Program At Lingelbach
by Taelyn, 13
Old books, computers and lack of busses
by Serina, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18