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Singer, Teacher
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By Rayla , 8
Recorded at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh BLAST School Outreach on January 1, 2011
Description: I dream of being a singer because i am good at it and i
am the best in the school and I don't want to be a
rapper because it is bad and they be cussing and i want
to be a teacher so I can be smart and teach children so
they can be smart too.
Suggested Stories:
Bisexual Or Homosexual People Discriminated Against For Career Aspirations
by Ty, 16
by Jasmine, 16
We deserve a better education
by Van, 18
I Don't Have Enough People To Go To
by Patrice, 17
Inclusive Curriculum
by Meg, 17
Encourage Don't Suspend
by Mitchell, 13
Technology in School
by Derek, 14
I Don't Always Feel Safe At School
by Reginaldo, 16
Comfortable at school
by Abby, 15
Help with PSSA's
by Allie, 12
Playing Outside
by Syair, 4
by Caleb, 8
How To Support Kids In School
by Jay, 18
Being a Good Student Leads to Success
by Kyle, 13
Funding should go to larger schools
by Jason, 13
We need funding for things other than sports
by Serina, 16
Resources are available but low quality
by Lillian, 19
We Need To Invest In Students
by Nikki, 18
If we had more resources
by Dominick, 17
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18