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By Dion , 8
Recorded at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh BLAST School Outreach on January 1, 2011
Description: I dream of painting because I practice coloring,
drawing, and painting. I did it because people said I
couldn't draw - My favorite music is jazz.
Suggested Stories:
Why It's Hard to Teach to the Test
by Cassandra, 15
Why we need the Student Bill of Rights
by Markesha, 16
School Uniforms and Bullying
by Denea, 15
School Counselors
by Bakary, 18
Girls Have Different Intrests
by Caroline, 13
by Marcaysia, 16
Becoming A Teacher
by Kate, 17
by Pediatrician, 8
I Want To Explore!
by Sarah, 9
What I Like About Kindergarten
by Marissa, 6
Ways To Make School More Interesting
by Barbara, 14
Lack of Technology in School
by Nolan , 13
Rules at My School
by Daniel, 10
Advice For Administrators For Incentive Programs
by Meghan, 13
Advice I Would Give My Principal
by Christian, 6
School Is Important To Me
by Adayla, 14
What Schools Should Do
by Joshua, 13
If I could ask the President to help my school, I would...
by Keimonni, 7
Threatening To Layoff Teachers Affects Us
by Amber, 13
Incarcerated Parent
by Tirrell, 19
Empathetic Teachers
by Sophie, 13
What I like about School
by Maci, 11
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18