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By Dion , 8
Recorded at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh BLAST School Outreach on January 1, 2011
Description: I dream of painting because I practice coloring,
drawing, and painting. I did it because people said I
couldn't draw - My favorite music is jazz.
Suggested Stories:
Boys and Girls are equal learners
by Michelle, 13
I Like Helping People!
by Jadah , 9
Advice For Kindergarten
by Alex, 15
Learning About Poverty
by Roi, 15
We don't have adequate equipment
by Lillian, 19
School times, preparation for college, and bus passes for all students
by Reed, 16
Thoughts on high school
by Kristin, 16
Advice For Kindergarten
by Alicia, 16
Math Is My Favorite Subject And Girls Talk Most Of The Time
by Chris, 8
Teachers who are dictators
by Kylia, 17
Anyone Can Do Anything Doesnt Say Name At Start
by Kade, 14
I've Noticed
by Renee, 16
We Need More Basic Supplies
by Taelyn, 13
Computer Science Stereotyping
by Rachel, 17
Lost Resources Because Of Budget Cuts
by Nia, 13
getting student voice heard
by Kira, 18
Suspensions and Race
by Emotions, 17
Positive Attitude and Pride
by Kyle, 13
Threatening To Layoff Teachers Affects Us
by Amber, 13
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18