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By Audrey , 8
Recorded at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh BLAST School Outreach on January 1, 2011
Description: I dream about reading all the books in the Squirrel
Hill Carnegie Library. I love to read. All the books
in there are so good! I also want to finish all my
books at home.
Suggested Stories:
Kids at West Philly
by Keith, 16
Boy Are More Engaged In STEM But Not Better
by Annalise, 11
Student Voice will Affect School Culture
by Senque, 15
Suspension is not a solution
by Cassandra, 15
Why Less Women
by Izabella, 15
by Aaliyah, 16
Rewards at My School
by Nicholas, 10
School Closings
by Van, 18
My Counselor Is So Stressed
by Jarred, 17
School Climate
by Mason, 11
Dream Library
by Julia, 9
Hate That I Still Think Math Is A Boys Thing
by Ashley, 17
Technology In and Out of School
by Sean, 9
Why There Are More Male Stem Workers
by Isabella, 11
by Marcaysia, 16
Football so I won't get bullied
by Micah, 11
Student Voice
by Keith, 16
What I want for my school
by Brandon, 13
The Strike System
by Adam, 10
Letters To The Editor
by Alonae, 14
Learning Environment
by Kyle, 13
Boys And Girls In STEM Learning
by Molly, 12
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18