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Different Fires
(Click the image above to see a larger version)
By Marty , 14
Recorded at Carnegie Library, Main on March 9, 2011
Description: This illustration is about different types of fire,
from comics to games to real.
Suggested Stories:
Parks are Important
by Alice, 16
I learn better when I'm outside
by David, 16
If I Could Change The Parks
by Chastity, 16
Have Fun
by Christine, 12
The Park is Important to me
by Cheyenne, 14
The Park My Narnia
by Sage, 17
The Environment
by Arina, 10
When We Do Learn Outside
by Madison, 10
Field Trips To Frick Park
by Hannah, 10
Science Is Fun Outside
by Abigail, 10
You Learn From Experience
by Anahi, 10
Learning outside in the garden and playing inside
by Lucy, 4
Learning outside vs. learning inside
by Virginia, 10
Learning science outside
by Quentin, 10
Favorite Park Memory
by Sarah, 15
Outdoor learning can relate to indoor learning
by Miranda, 11
Playing Outside
by Suhail, 10
Favorites Of Frick Park
by Ana, 6
Being outside makes learning fun
by Miranda, 11
The Park Is An Important Place
by Tova, 15
My favorite places to learn are outside
by Sophie, 10
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18