Preparing To Be A Freshman
Suggested Stories:
by Rosalia, 13
My Teachers Are Too Busy
by Jennifer, 18
Who I talk to at school
by Jordan, 15
Games That Make Math Fun
by Kyvon, 10
Presidential Inauguration
by Treniya, 14
by James, 17
Give Our Teachers A Good Salary
by Nia, 13
I Don't Have Enough People To Go To
by Patrice, 17
Entering High School
by Cassidy, 14
Technology in School
by Illana , 11
What Poetry Slams Mean To Me
by Dani, 16
I feel like they "dumbline" us
by Dominick, 17
Funding For Teachers
by Bakary, 18
Identity Crisis
by Natalie, 15
Helping The Homeless
by Mikala, 8
If You're Intellectually Able
by Sarah, 18
Medical Waste
by Matthew, 17
Budget Cuts In Education
by Nehemiah, 9
Afraid Of What Friends Think
by Joey, 13
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18