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Living In Pittsburgh
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By Stephen , 14
Recorded at Carnegie Library, Downtown and Business on April 16, 2011
Description: This story talks about how great living in Pittsburgh
is and how wonderful the Carnegie library is to hang
out in!
Suggested Stories:
Improving the appearance of Brookline
by Liam, 11
Birthday And Monster Trucks
by Isaiah, 6
The Library
by Brooke, 13
My Neighborhood
by Leah, 16
Police Improve Communities
by Maria, 10
Litter in Pittsburgh
by MGR Summer Dreamers , Unknown
What happened at the fight
by Austin, 18
King of the Village
by Jordan, 7
Looking for a job
by Joshlynn, 16
A Job Is A Job
by Tyrone, 14
My Mom Is My Hero
by Amaja, 10
Institutionalized Racism
by Michael, 15
We live in different places now
by Menuka, Unknown
Have A Job, No - Want A Job, Yes
by Tyjair, 15
Littering and homeless
by Damontae, 10
My Soup And Sharing
by Paige, 5
Jordan Miles
by Jamal, 19
About police officers and what their jobs are
by Sara, 13
My Park Isn't Safe
by Zina, 8
Technology in School
by Will, 14
My Grandma Friday
by Shaun, 15
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18