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I Want To Explore!
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By Sarah , 9
Recorded at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh BLAST School Outreach on February 1, 2011
Description: I want to jump on a big bed of snow and flowers. I want
to live in an igloo. I want to have a pet penguin. I
want to see things and explore. I would like to be a
teacher because I want to get my education, or a
Suggested Stories:
Technology in School
by Dan, 13
No Technology
by Zach , 11
What Is Technology?
by Abby, 8
Resources that I want
by Allie, 12
I Think Females Are More Interested In The Arts Than Tech
by Jordan, 11
Not Encouraged
by Rozie, 15
Lawmakers need to step in our shoes
by Van, 18
Budget cuts and band
by Quinton, Unknown
My Counselor Is So Stressed
by Jarred, 17
How funding should be allocated
by Brandon, 13
I Don't Always Feel Safe At School
by Reginaldo, 16
Entering High School
by Tommy, 13
Can't talk about what you don't know
by Jamar, 15
Anyone Can Do Anything Doesnt Say Name At Start
by Kade, 14
Resources at my school
by Faith, 12
Suspension and Bad Choices
by Tiger, 14
One On One Time With Counselor
by Kathy, 18
Letters To The Editor
by Shadaha, 14
Enforcing rules at different times
by Obama Student, 18
Effective Teachers
by Destinay, 15
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18