Education Reform
By Nisa, 17
Recorded at MGR Foundation on May 9, 2011
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Interrupting Class For Bad Behavior
by Jackson, 6
Pretty Much The Same
by Liam, 7
Use A Planner
by Steven, 18
We need an improvement when it comes to funding
by Chris, 17
We've Been Doing Less Tech Lately
by Amanda, 10
Relatable Teachers Are Fun And Enforce Rules
by Sophie, 13
Security and Teachers with Guns
by Kristin, 16
Jail and School Zone
by Lexy, 16
Sometimes we just look like startistics
by Aranda, 16
Changing my Community
by Tatiyana , 17
After school tutoring would help students
by Izabella, 13
Teachers being involved
by Patience, 17
Food in My School
by Philippa, 11
Advice for Pittsburgh Public
by Isac, 17
Public Schools
by Tiger, 14
What is Rethink?
by Rethinkers and 2nd Grade Play Power, 8
Robots - Pre Interview
by Trevi, Unknown
My Advice about Technology
by Nolan , 13
Being A Freshman Feels Great
by Shaterra, 15
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18