Students and Teachers
By Anthony, 9
Recorded at Kelly Elementary on May 15, 2012
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Body Buildup Different But Mind Buildup The Same
by Frederick, 10
Learning New Things
by Sarah, 13
Good and Bad Decisions
by Finn, 6
We need more councilors
by Emaya, 17
They should have faith in women
by Lavanya, 13
Equal resources and computers
by Jaquela, 17
How I Learn
by Anna Pt 2, 16
Standardized tests and funding
by Van, 18
Shaler vs. Pittsburgh Public
by Megan , Unknown
Favorite Teacher
by Tiger, 5
Discipline at School
by Nick, 12
by Bellaire, 15
Dream Library
by Zayira, Unknown
Positive Schools Pay Attention To Bullying
by Massimo, 14
Advice On Funding
by Bakary, 18
Opportunities Are The Same For Boys And Girls
by Aidan, 17
Rallying to save our schools
by James, 10
STEM In My School
by Anuskha, 11
by Alanna, 8
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18