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Renzie Park
(Click the image above to see a larger version)
By Jordan , 6
Recorded at Renzie Park on August 13, 2012
Description: Jordan wanted to draw and write a poem about the park
because it is always pretty.
Suggested Stories:
Police are Nice to Good People
by Dereka, 17
My experience as a refugee
by Dipesh, 16
Kids getting caught by cops gives them a chance for a future
by Brittany, 15
Police Make Me Feel Safe
by Maria, 10
Betting shops cause problems
by Mirko, 16
Career School In North Side
by Jared, 15
Changing My Community
by Katie , 17
My Neighborhood Is Not A Place To Live
by Jayson, 15
I want a job close to home
by Joshlynn, 16
Learning English
by Menuka, Unknown
Mckeesport: Role Models
by D'Angelo , 18
Too Much Smoking In Brookline
by Troy, 13
Participating In Youth Undoing Institutional Racism
by Olivia, 16
I like the studio, but want to change the violence
by Anthony, 6
My Soup And Sharing
by Paige, 5
Unsafe areas
by Crystal, 15
sometimes they say hi
by Kevin, 15
Somebody Got Shot
by Alexis, 6
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18