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School Climate
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By Forhad , 17
Recorded at Long Island City High School on April 2, 2013
Description: Luis interviews Forhad, another student, about his
school. They talk specifically about security,
administration, and student voice in school.
Suggested Stories:
More tutoring and better technology
by Grace, 16
4 To 3 Guidance Counselors
by Damontaye, 17
Not enough funding for classes and teachers
by Trenety, 13
Students and Teachers
by Devonte, 10
The Difficulties Of High School
by Caree, 18
Is Student Voice Really Heard?
by Senque, 15
Normal STEM Activities But No Engineering
by Abby, 12
Respect, Responsibility, Integrity
by Omar, 10
Boys Are More Encouraged
by Amanda, 10
Differences In Behavoir At PPS And My New School
by Sophie, 13
Enough Funding Is Important
by Nia, 13
The Bully
by Muhammad, Unknown
Student Of The Week
by Maggie, 6
Reflections On Graduating From Macs
by Amir, Unknown
Sharing Teachers With The Middle School
by Tiger, 16
Preparing To Be A Freshman
by Kellie, 15
School Looks Dark
by Reginaldo, 16
How I learn best
by Rene, 12
Computer Science Stereotyping
by Rachel, 17
The Media And Big Corporations
by Sofia, 16
My Guidance Counselor
by Tyler, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18