In support of Student Bill of Rights
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Suggested Stories:
Technology in school
by Michael , 13
More Teacher Aids
by Taina, 13
Good Student
by Aaron, 14
Police Officer, Firefigher
by Katie, 8
Shaler vs. Pittsburgh Public
by Megan , Unknown
What is Rethink?
by Rethinkers and 2nd Grade Play Power, 8
We're Crammed Into Classrooms
by Reginaldo, 16
Entering High School
by Samone, 14
student bill of right
by Amma, 15
PPS should teach about sex ed and consent
by Miranda, 18
Kindergarten Teacher
by Marta, 8
How the student bill of rights came to be
by Faith, Unknown
Advice For Kindergarten
by Rachel, 14
Teachers need to treat students with respsect
by Ian, 15
Teachers who are dictators
by Kylia, 17
Merit Cards
by Isaiah, 17
Why Ipads are better than books
by Emalee, 12
Respect in School
by Aaliyah, 16
by Nyla, 5
Becoming A Teacher
by Laura, 17
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18