My Favorite Classes
Suggested Stories:
Our Rules And Incentives
by Meghan, 13
Honor Classes
by Hannah, 14
Growing Up And Mentoring
by Miguel, 12
Benefits of Rewards and Positive Thinking
by Omar, 10
Computers and Ipads at Shaler
by George, 12
Learning New Things
by Sarah, 13
Student Behavior
by Makelle, 18
How I Learn
by Brittany, 15
If we had more resources
by Dominick, 17
My relationship with my school
by Emmanuel, 16
Becoming A Teacher
by Will, 16
Jesse's Classroom
by Jesse, 12
Letters To The Editor
by Azure, 15
What Adults Should Say To Kids
by Aiden, 6
Teachers I can trust
by Luis, 15
Education Reform
by Kelsey, 15
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18