Why I like school sports
By Austin, 14
Recorded at Shaler Middle School on April 16, 2013
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Student Achievement
by Keith, 16
Boys Don't Study As Much As The Girls
by Kyvon, 10
Low achieving schools should get more funding
by Jimmy, 14
Better tech leads to better grades
by Jimmy, 14
How I Showed Respect
by Naomi, 10
Girls dont do same classes
by Lauryn, 15
I Have an Amazing Mentor
by Jamal, 17
Advice For Kindergarten
by David, 16
Bully Free School
by Jacob , 9
Encourage Don't Suspend
by Mitchell, 13
teachers can take more stock in students emotional wellbeing
by Jordan, 15
School times, preparation for college, and bus passes for all students
by Reed, 16
Students Stopped Coming To Class When We Got New Teachers
by Tyler, 16
Barren Playground
by Taina, 13
Respect is something that many people have in this world, but not enough. Respect in my mind is w...
by Kenneth, 17
Comfortable at school
by Hannah, 15
What I Want To See In The Next Superintendent
by Ada, 16
Student Voice will Affect School Culture
by Senque, 15
Opportunities Are The Same For Boys And Girls
by Aidan, 17
Alternative Programs
by Emotions, 17
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18