My School
By Will, 12
Recorded at Shaler on November 12, 2013
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Girls Might Feel Uncomfortable
by Nick, 15
School Uniforms
by Skylar, 15
Student Behavior
by Cordelia, 6
Pa Needs A Fair Funding Formula, Not A Cigarette Tax
by Nikki, 18
The Start Of Soccer
by Carlyn, 8
Student Of The Week
by Maggie, 6
Entering High School
by Tommy, 13
Too Hot To Think
by Tiwand, 15
Bisexual Or Homosexual People Discriminated Against For Career Aspirations
by Ty, 16
If I could change one thing in my community it would be our school. I would somehow find a way to...
Change My Community
by Morgan, 14
Obama Is A Good School That Treats You Like Family
by Tamia, 16
Technology in My School
by Philippa, 11
Buses During A Two Hour Delay
by Myeir, 13
Safety at Wilkinsburg High School
by Kendall, 17
Computers and Ipads at Shaler
by George, 12
Benefits of funding extracurricular activities
by Joel, 17
Don't Limit Yourself
by Daniel, 18
Good Funding Is A Domino Effect
by Nikki, 18
Important to fund books and technology
by Nadirah, 16
Manly Things
by Emilie, 12
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18