When I First Moved To Millvale
Suggested Stories:
My Experience With Police
by Chienne, 7
I want a job close to home
by Joshlynn, 16
Hardships in my living situation
by Masha, Unknown
To Tyrone
by Anastasia, 13
Change in Clairton
by Liyah, 15
My Favorite Place
by Black , 17
Difficult to find stable housing
by Brenna, Unknown
Youth Are The Game Changers
by Aleksei, 17
Change in Clairton
by Tyrone , 18
The Mayor Can Help
by Gregory, 19
our opinions do matter
by India, 16
Biking After School
by Anthony, 15
Being an animator takes patience and practice
by Joshlynn, 16
Brookline Park
by Veronica, 13
Birthday Party
by Keshawn, 7
Nothing to Do in My Community
by Ellis, 9
Change in Clairton
by Marcaysia , 17
I want to be a factory worker
by Ty'wann, 12
Institutional Racism
by Ben, 17
Importance Of A Mentor
by Quinntala, 18
The difference between a job and career
by Joshlynn, 16
Recycling in Pittsburgh
by MGR Summer Dreamers , Unknown
My Library
by Ben , Unknown
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18