Where I live and what I do
By James, Unknown in Hill District
Recorded at GLCC on September 10, 2014
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Carnivals in McKeesport Story
by Raven, 9
My Soup And Sharing
by Valdez, 4
Brookline is filled with care
by Erika, 7
The School To Prison Pipeline
by Joan, 17
Juggle School and Work
by Maurice, 18
Being Born in Kenya
by Salat, 14
we need to change the number of bars
by Cory, 11
Why You Should Move To Millvale
by Monet, 16
Job vs Career
by Mason, 18
Some Good Some Bad
by Davis, 17
My Garfield
by Dominique, 8
Learning about Racism and oppression
by Rori, 18
Police officers can talk to kids
by Jasmine, 14
Change in my Community
by Tyrone , 18
by Christopher, 12
sometimes they say hi
by Kevin, 15
Mckeesport: Is School Relevant?
by Matt , 16
Police want to prevent bad things from happening
by Shaii, 16
Police are regular people but get a bad reputation
by Yasamin, 16
When I Grow Up
by Madison, 9
What I want to be
by Anil, 14
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18