Why I want a job
By Lauryn, 15 in Observatory Hill
Recorded at MCG on April 24, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Police Shouldn't Make Assumptions
by Curby, 19
What I Like To Do In Pittsburgh
by Jamil, 10
New Years Hope
by Jasmine, 14
The Job of Police is to Protect the Community
by Dereka, 17
My altercation with police at school
by Jamont'e, 18
The hilltop
by Cyrstal, 15
Police Should Give Kids Advice
by Germal, 11
Obstacles and accomplishments
by Brenna, Unknown
Trail Walk At Riverside Park
by Charles, 12
Transportation An Issue
by Kaijoun, 13
Things I would like to change in my community
by Charlie, 12
Advice For The Next Cheif
by Andre, 15
My community is dangerous
by David, 13
Give Police and Evaluation Test
by Romie, 16
The Only Thing I Need From Adults Is Power
by Aleksei, 17
People become cops to protect, but maybe hold a gun
by Jamont'e, 18
Moving to the United States
by Saraji, Unknown
To me, being a good citizen means one who properly fulfills his or her role as a citizen such as ...
by Erica, 17
I Walk Everywhere
by Jayson, 15
Difficulty finding housing, a job and resources
by Kitty, Unknown
My Experience With Police
by Chienne, 7
Pittsburgh Needs a Basketball Court
by MGR Summer Dreamers, Unknown
McKeesport's Schools Story
by Tat'Talaysha, 11
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18