Jobs for young people
By Mason, 18 in Lawrenceville
Recorded at MCG on April 24, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
What I would change about Brookline in Spanish
by Miriam, 16
Oppressive Institutions And The School To Prison Pipeline
by Olivia, 16
Parents need to be more involved in their kids lives
by Kidareo, 16
Skill Development More Important Than A Job Now
by Isaih, 16
Living In A Shelter
by Alisha, 14
Adults should be nicer
by Gage, 12
A good chief won't repeat mistakes
by Martaya, 15
My Story from the Storm
by Usha, 5
The GLCC is the only place I feel safe
by Masha, Unknown
Speaking English
by Dash, 15
Adults Can Help Us With Skills
by Quinntala, 18
Litter in Downtown Pittsburgh
by MGR Summer Dreamers , Unknown
We can have fresh food here
by Radha, Unknown
No job is a bad job
by Lauryn, 15
Institutionalized Racism
by Michael, 15
Fights in Mt. Oliver
by Kayle, 14
It Is Time To Talk About Racial Injustice
by Khan, 18
I Walk Everywhere
by Jayson, 15
Obstacles and what I am proud of
by James, Unknown
The Importance Of Jobs Programs And Mentors
by Ty'wann, 12
by Jao'vveon, 11
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18