Girls Have A Mindset That They Can't Compete With Boys
Suggested Stories:
Early Exposure To The Sciences Will Abolish Gender Barriers
by Claudia, 15
Girls Are More Pressured
by Alexis, 17
If You're Intellectually Able
by Sarah, 18
Video Game Classroom
by Davonte, 10
Learning inside vs. learning outside
by Zack, 10
It'd Be Nice To Have More Girls
by Elliott, 8
My favorite place to learn is outside
by Wes, 11
Women And Men
by Amber, 13
Some Women
by Izabella, 15
But Really That's Not True
by Arieona, 16
I Don't Think That
by Renee, 16
I'm Usually Indoors For School
by Tiana, 15
Some Genders Are More Interested But Boys Get Better Exposure To STEM
by Danica, 15
Afraid Of What Friends Think
by Joey, 13
My favorite places to learn are outside
by Sophie, 10
Keep Trying
by Brezhiona, 11
Adults Attitudes When Teaching Stem
by Catherine, 11
Under Pressure
by Sean, 12
Girls Might Feel Uncomfortable
by Nick, 15
Boys And Girls Are Equal
by Sydney, 12
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18