

Tags: Education, School Climate, PBIS

By Makhi, 9
Recorded at Faison on December 17, 2013
No description provided.


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Suggested Stories:

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    If They Fund Good Resources Kids Will Do Better In Life
    by Devonte, 16

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    Games in School
    by Noah, 14

  • Play3
    Preparing For High School
    by Jasmine, 14

  • Play3
    by Jasmine, 16

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    We Need Buses
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  • Play3
    The importance of guidance counselors
    by Kaylee, 15

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    My Bucket List
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  • Danaya_8_teacher_education
    by Danaya, 8

  • Play3
    Recommendations For Positive Learning Environments
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    My School Didn't Trust Me
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    How School Funding Affects Police Officers
    by Tyler, 16

  • Kelissa%20_9_i%20want%20to%20help%20kids_education
    I Want To Help Kids!
    by Kelissa , 9

  • Play3
    Student Decisions
    by Shalyla, 6

  • Erika_8_singer%20%20actress_education
    Singer & Actress
    by Erika, 8

  • Play3
    Attendance and Class Size
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    Empathetic Teachers
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  • Play3
    Gender and STEM Learning
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    How The Stoplight Stick Changes Behavior
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    If I could ask the President to help my school, I would...
    by Keimonni, 7

  • Play3
    We barely learn this stuff
    by Dominick, 17

  • Play3
    No resources to help us prepare to apply to college
    by Van, 18

  • Play3
    Technology in School
    by Noah, 14

  • Play3
    Education Reform
    by Katerina, 15

  • Play3
    Censored Artwork
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