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By Akeem , 8
Recorded at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh BLAST School Outreach on January 1, 2011
Description: I to Be in the army Becasue I can save People and
sacrifice myself for other People and I will be
remembered for the rest of my life.
Suggested Stories:
I Want To Explore!
by Sarah, 9
Becoming A Teacher
by Amy, 17
Told Not To Go Into Those Professions
by Sarah, 15
Connect With Your Students For Success
by Christopher, 17
Teachers and technology are great, but we need more funding
by Chris, 17
Effects of budget cuts on school counselors
by Salma, 17
Student Behavior
by Makhi, 9
Cell phone policy at Woodland Hills
by Ashley, 18
Give more funding to low achieving schools
by Grace, 16
Growing Up And Mentoring
by Gabrelle, 16
How I use Technology
by Philippa , 11
Focus On STEM
by Izabella, 15
Teachers at Westinghouse
by Isaiah, 15
We Respect Our Resources, Society Doesn’t
by Nikki, 18
Schools and Statistics
by Aranda, 16
Manly Things
by Emilie, 12
Help with PSSA's
by Allie, 12
Other Girls Mess Up Science Class By Being Distracting
by Krystal, 9
My Library
by Brenden , Unknown
Comfortable at School
by Faith , 13
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18