Entering High School
Suggested Stories:
Give more funding to low achieving schools
by Grace, 16
Supplies And Travel Opportunities
by Jazmine, 16
Now Library Only Open A Few Periods
by Devonte, 16
Responsibilities and Reality in Schools
by Dynae, 18
Women And Men
by Amber, 13
Learning Styles and Technology
by Kelly , 14
School And The Library
by Asia, 4
Teachers And Discipline
by Dajahleik, 16
Oppressive Institutions And The School To Prison Pipeline
by Olivia, 16
Equal funding and law makers visiting schools
by Kaylee, 15
by Jean, Unknown
Assimilating and working hard
by Chandra, Unknown
What Poetry Slams Mean To Me
by Dani, 16
Advice For Kindergarten
by John, 16
Ways To Make School More Interesting
by Darwin, 15
Bad Decisions Are Not Paying Attention
by Heath, 6
students deserve reliable transportation
by Kira, 18
Education Reform
by Ian, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18