
Job Shadowing

Tags: Education

By Antwon, 17
Recorded at Allegheny Intermediate Unit on October 26, 2010
No description provided.


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Suggested Stories:

  • Play3
    Where Can Students Share Their Opinions
    by Senque, 15

  • Play3
    Violence in and out of school
    by Jayda, 16

  • Play3
    Alumni provide us with funding
    by Joel, 17

  • Play3
    As A Freshman At Gshs
    by Anna, 14

  • Play3
    Obama Is A Good School That Treats You Like Family
    by Tamia, 16

  • Play3
    Ways To Make School More Interesting
    by Mark, 17

  • Nadilan_8_astronomer_education
    by Nadilan, 8

  • Play3
    Gender and STEM Learning
    by Mia, 13

  • Play3
    Id Like The Superintendent To Change The Opening Time And Hall Sweeps Discipline
    by Tyler, 16

  • Annyah_6_classroom_education
    by Annyah, 6

  • Play3
    What I want at my school
    by Faith, 12

  • Play3
    Support For Students And Fair Suspensions
    by Endia, 18

  • Play3
    We need to change the funding formula
    by Van, 18

  • Play3
    Discipline, Suspensions And Restorative Practices
    by Leon, 14

  • Play3
    Global Kids
    by Lord, 15

  • Play3
    Advice For Kindergarten
    by Skylar, 16

  • Harney%20prek_6_class%20creature_education
    Class Creature
    by Harney Pre-K, 6

  • Play3
    Mi Escuela
    by Laura , 11

  • Play3
    My Dream for All Schools
    by Stephanie, 15

  • Jashyra_8_cheerleader%20teacher%20doctor%20cop%20president_education
    Cheerleader, Teacher, Doctor, Cop, President
    by Ja'shyra, 8

  • Play3
    School in Nepal vs US
    by Shamikcha, Unknown

  • Play3
    Why we need the Student Bill of Rights
    by Jordan, 15

  • Play3
    Food in My School
    by Philippa, 11

  • Play3
    Censored Artwork
    by Karen, 18