Calin's Mind
(Click the image above to see a larger version)
By Grace, 16
Recorded at Carnegie Library, Main on March 3, 2011
Description: Grace drew a tree and wrote a poetic story about a
Suggested Stories:
Where I live and what I do
by James, Unknown
I Love Gardens
by Navaeh, 9
Friends Have Your Back
by Ericka, 14
I Take Care Of Myself
by Iuma, 10
Why Kids don't eat Breakfast at School
by Camille , 12
Food at My School
by Claire , 12
How to improve School Breakfast
by Shane, 12
by Stephanie, 14
What my sister eats
by Sara, 6
Me And My Friend
by Autumn, 8
I Take Care Of Myself
by Laurel, 11
Making Friends
by Tessa, 17
I'm afraid to go anywhere
by Masha, Unknown
What Makes A Friend
by J'niya, 12
Shadow Puppets
by Summer, 10
What Public Schools Need
by Claire , 12
Collaboration Six
by Arrow and Naya, Unknown
My living situation
by Brenna, Unknown
What I eat for Breakfast
by Nason, 12
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18