By Jaden, 11
Recorded at Cardale Elementary on April 18, 2011
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
A Good Friend
by Alize', 13
Poem about Mornings
by Miarei, 16
How to improve School Breakfast
by Shane, 12
Why I Stopped Bullying
by Marina, 14
Breakfast at School
by Zoe, 10
The Effects Of Dating Violence
by Jess, 16
What I Love
by Christopher, 12
I Love Basketball
by Ben, 14
Untitled (Trinity)
by Trinity, Unknown
What I do and employment
by Calvin, 20
What I want to be
by Anil, 14
Moving to Columbus Memoir
by Drew, 14
How do Facebook, Twitter, and social media affect your friendships outside of the internet?
Social Media
by Melvin, Unknown
My Experience With Good And Bad Foster Moms
by student, 15
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18
Report Comment
You did a great job explaining bullying in your school!