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What I Like To Do In Pittsburgh
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By Jamil , 10
Recorded at Carnegie Library, Squirrel Hill on April 21, 2011
Description: Jamil talks about what he likes to do in Pittsburgh and
that he likes that Pittsburgh does not have a lot of
Suggested Stories:
The Importance Of Jobs Programs And Mentors
by Ty'wann, 12
I Want To Be Someone Who Made A Change
by Michael, 15
Where I Walk from the Slopes
by Ty'yania, 16
Superintendent To Listen To Students
by Olivia, 16
Differences in wedding celebrations
by Fartuna, 13
When You Live In Brookline
by Marissa, 14
Institutional Racism
by Norma, 16
The best thing about Brookline is my friends and family
by Samantha, 12
by Anthony, 16
Good and bad things in Knoxville
by Michael, 7
Relationship Between Employer And Employee
by Dereka, 18
Hard to find employment without experience
by Kitty, Unknown
I Want To Make People More Comfortable Talking About Race
by Olivia, 17
Transportation An Issue
by Kaijoun, 13
How to make Knoxville better
by Chris, 13
We don't learn practical things in school
by Lauryn, 15
My Experience With Police
by Chienne, 7
Birthday Party
by Keshawn, 7
We are all Africans
by Siraji, Unknown
I'm from Congo
by Pabeli, 15
Police are regular people but get a bad reputation
by Yasamin, 16
Shovel, Rake, Babysit
by Nahseya, 13
Advice To Young People Experiencing Racism
by Carlin, 20
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18