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Arbor Day At Hazelwood Library
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By Hannah , 8
Recorded at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh BLAST School Outreach on April 29, 2011
Description: Keep Our Earth Clean. Once in Pennsylvania, people
threw garbage in the ground. One day they smelled a bad
smell. Then, one man said, "What is that
smell?" The next day when the people woke up there
were no more trees! The grownups had to keep...
Suggested Stories:
I Like Learning Under A Tree
by Katie, 10
We go outside in gym and social studies
by Olivia, 10
Learn And Play At School
by Heaveenli, 7
Explorers Don't Walk Just 2 Steps
by Kyree, 9
You Block Nature When You're Inside
by Brenda, 10
Have Fun
by Christine, 12
If I Could Change One Thing About The Parks
by Hannah, 15
Advantage To Inside Is Screens
by Katie, 10
Favorites Of Frick Park
by Ana, 6
We Don't Have Class Outside
by Carson, 9
The Monkey Is Crying
by Tyler, 4
I Ask For Class To Be Outside
by Maya, 13
The Cheetahs Battle Foxes
by Abijah, 6
There Is A Lot Of Life Outside, Not Inside
by Madison, 10
Save Nature
by Hannah, 10
Outside you can experience more and you're not trapped
by Larkin, 10
You Can Do A Lot Outside
by Elliot, 11
Playing Outside
by Jakobi, 10
When School goes outside you can learn so much
by Parisha, 10
Learning about nature outside, and school inside
by Sasha, 8
Outside Is A Special Place
by Eric, 17
I feel more alive when I'm outside
by Bri, 16
Things I Learn About Inside And Outside
by Samantha, 10
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18