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Arbor Day At Hazelwood Library
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By Hannah , 8
Recorded at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh BLAST School Outreach on April 29, 2011
Description: Keep Our Earth Clean. Once in Pennsylvania, people
threw garbage in the ground. One day they smelled a bad
smell. Then, one man said, "What is that
smell?" The next day when the people woke up there
were no more trees! The grownups had to keep...
Suggested Stories:
Make More Habitats
by Dev, 7
Arbor Day At Hazelwood Library
by Tyrell, 8
I Like Learning Inside Its The Same But Outside Is Memorable
by Kristina, 13
If I Could Change One Thing about the Parks
by Danelle, 17
Parks are Important
by Alice, 16
My favorite places to learn are outside
by Sophie, 10
I like being an EcoSteward because...
by Stephen, 16
Stewardship Means to Me
by Kevin, 15
Learning Outside Is Different Because It Is Rare
by Ella, 9
Favorite Memories Of The Park
by Alexandra, 7
I like being an Eco Steward
by Forest, 19
I like being an EcoSteward because...
by Charles, 16
Learn Inside At School, Can Learn Outside Though
by Griffin, 5
Favorite Place To Learn Is Outside Because...
by Jamaal, 15
Helping The Environment
by Josh, 9
I Will Pick Up All The Trash
by Ava D., 7
Favorite Park Memory
by Tobias, 15
We go outside in gym and social studies
by Olivia, 10
Learn Better Inside
by Carson, 9
Have Fun
by Christine, 12
Learning outside at School
by Zoe, 9
The Park Is An Important Place
by Lucy, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18