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Too Hot To Think
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By Tiwand , 15
Recorded at Ream Recreation Center on June 7, 2011
Description: Tiwand says, "My school gets so hot sometimes that
it is too hard to function! And the problem is that the
teachers don't believe us!"
Suggested Stories:
Systems at My School
by Rashee, 10
Teacher Said Boys Do Better In Math
by Grace, 11
Students Stopped Coming To Class When We Got New Teachers
by Tyler, 16
How I Showed Respect
by Naomi, 10
The Dream Team
by Fatimah, 15
Pittsburgh Promise Ready!
by Chelsey, 9
Technology in School
by Dean, 9
Good Transportation Helps Us Be Better Students
by Monique, 17
Entering High School
by Tommy, 13
Anthony's Classroom
by Anthony, 9
School And The Library
by Asia, 4
Men Choose Classes Where They Can Do Stuff
by Ty, 16
My Library
by Brooke , Unknown
Being A Freshman
by Anna, 14
Can't talk about what you don't know
by Jamar, 15
If Student Voice Is Heard
by Stephanie, 15
Becoming A Teacher
by Laura, 17
Old Security Guards
by Denea, 15
Enough Funding Is Important
by Nia, 13
Student Voices are Being Ignored
by Jordan, 15
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18
Report Comment
You should sign a petition to have air conditioners at your school.