Christmas with my Dad
Suggested Stories:
I Take Care Of Myself
by Iuma, 10
Military Kids events
by Connor, 12
Amachi Ambassadors
by Ambassadors, 16
I'm afraid to go anywhere
by Masha, Unknown
by Ruqayya, 14
Why Kids Join Gangs
by Dion, 14
Ashley's view of the world
by Ashley, 14
Good and bad aspects of shelters
by Salim, 20
I've Been Struggling With Self Image
by Casey, 18
When I Grow Up
by Vanessa, 11
Parents' jobs
by Shamikcha, Unknown
What Makes A Friend
by J'niya, 12
Why Free Breakfast Is Important
by Micah, 11
by Stephanie, 14
My Role Model
by Kyra, 10
Obstacles and accomplishments
by Brenna, Unknown
Very hard to find help
by Masha, Unknown
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18