I like Renzie Park
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By Mayah, 5
Recorded at Renzie Park on August 13, 2012
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Times I Miss
by Sherdina, 12
Could have caused less tension
by Isaiah, 16
Good and Bad Police
by Daijah, 11
My Library
by Ben , Unknown
The hilltop
by Cyrstal, 15
Change in Clairton
by Liyah, 15
My Neighborhood
by Shane, 15
There is Racism, but Police also help
by Romie, 16
Eating And Parks
by Bryan, 7
by Jao'vveon, 11
Start Work At 15
by Jared, 15
I'm from Congo
by Pabeli, 15
Bullied because I was different
by Fatuma, 17
My Neighborhood
by Leah, 16
This House Is Not A Home, Part 2
by De Asia, 19
My Soup And Sharing
by Paige, 5
If I could ask the President to help my school, I would...
by Keimonni, 7
Why I love Knoxville
by Jenis, 10
Brookline Park, Library, and Sidewalks
by Cassie, 12
Transportation And Employment
by Senque, 17
Police are Superheroes
by Jaden, 6
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18