
A persistent chief

Tags: Community, youth-police relations negative

By Jamont'e, 18 in Beltzhoover
Recorded at Youthworks on April 02, 2014
No description provided.


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Suggested Stories:

  • Play3
    What it means to be a refugee
    by Dash, 15

  • Play3
    How Someone Could Help
    by Markus, 13

  • Play3
    I Think The New Superintendent Should Be More Involved
    by Michael, 15

  • Play3
    If You Gave Them An Opportunity To Put Their Guns Down
    by Lorainne, Unknown

  • Play3
    Me and the Clairton Bears
    by Aniyah, 7

  • Play3
    Difficulty finding housing, a job and resources
    by Kitty, Unknown

  • Play3
    Black Students Are Treated Differently Than White Students At PPS
    by Ada, 16

  • Play3
    Favorite Thing About Pittsburgh
    by Aurora, 10

  • Play3
    We Need To Get Past Gender Stereotypes
    by Kelsey, 13

  • Play3
    Hardships in my living situation
    by Masha, Unknown

  • Play3
    Young people should start working at 14
    by Ty'wann, 12

  • Play3
    I saw my brother be arrested
    by Eric, 14

  • Play3
    Police Should make the Public Feel Safe
    by Maddie, 18

  • Play3
    My Future Is My Destiny, Part 3
    by Taylor, 18

  • How do facebook, twitter, and social media affect your friendships outside of the internet? Mo...
    How does social media affect real-world relationships?
    by Sam, Unknown

  • Play3
    by Kolten, 18

  • Play3
    Place Where People Shoot
    by Laniere, 8

  • Play3
    Drugs and violence need to stop
    by Andy, 10

  • Play3
    Improving the appearance of Brookline
    by Liam, 11

  • Play3
    Officers Have Been Comforting
    by Brittany, 18

  • Play3
    Speaking Nepali or English
    by Anil, 14

  • Play3
    Chief of Police Needs to be Dedicated
    by Curby, 19

  • Play3
    Good things about Knoxville
    by Chris, 13

  • Play3
    Censored Artwork
    by Karen, 18