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Public Schools
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By Tiger , 14
Recorded at Carnegie Mellon University on March 28, 2013
Description: Tiger goes to private school, but worries that his
friends don't get what they need.
Suggested Stories:
After graduation
by Shalyn, 17
What I Like About Kindergarten
by Aidan, 6
We Need Transportation
by Jarred, 17
Future Careers
by Zoe, Unknown
Teachers and Decisions
by Rook, 6
How I Showed Respect
by Naomi, 10
What I recommend
by Lexy, 16
Positive Schools Pay Attention To Bullying
by Massimo, 14
Technology in School
by Will, 14
To Be A Freshman At Gshs
by Nick, 15
The Dream Team
by Fatimah, 15
My family had just gotten a new piano. I wasn't too excited about it at the time and I actually ...
Fascinated By The Piano
by Seraphina, 10
Discipline, Suspensions And Restorative Practices
by Leon, 14
When Students Are Good
by Christian, 6
If Student Voice Is Heard
by Stephanie, 15
What Poetry Slams Mean To Me
by Dani, 16
Old Security Guards
by Denea, 15
Stop paying for prisions
by Jordan, 15
millenials pushing the movement
by Ndunge, 15
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18