My School
By Brandon, 8
Recorded at 10th street on January 13, 2014
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
How I Learn
by Brittany, 15
Effective Teachers
by Cassandra, 15
No Gender Bias Just Need Time
by Nick, 13
School Closings
by Van, 18
Student Opinions Equal to Administrator Opinions
by Amma, 15
Differences In Behavoir At PPS And My New School
by Sophie, 13
Being A Freshman At Gshs
by Abby, 15
How funding should be allocated
by Lillian, 19
Becoming A Teacher
by Alexis, 16
Safety at Wilkinsburg High School
by Chelsea, 17
How I Learn
by Jessica, 17
Women In History
by Anna, 14
Lack of Technology in School
by Nolan , 13
Entering High School
by Syriah, 13
Entering High School
by Cassidy, 14
by Hunter, 15
Favorite things about school
by Virginia, 8
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18