The history of Brookline is important
by Jesus, 10
Role of Police and School
by DaWarren, 13
How do facebook, twitter, and social media affect your friendships outside of the internet?
Mo... How does social media affect real-world relationships?
by Sam, Unknown
Litter in Allentown
by Antonio, 12
You can be whatever you want to be
by Emmanazia, 12
Chief Should be Courageous
by Keyshawn, 11
What it means to be successful
by Lauryn, 15
Being Outside
by Zeev, 3
Jobs, Careers, and Internships
by Ahlasia, 12
Student Voice Is My Legacy
by Joan, 17
My Community
by Chelsea , Unknown
Favorite Neighborhood Place
by Shaq, 17
Police Make Me Feel Safe
by Maria, 10
To keep kids off the streets kids need places to go
by Courtney, 17
What I Like And What I Would Change About Braddock
by Shania, 15
Police Don't Interact With Young People
by Amir, 11
Note To Mom
by Tavius, 9
Presidential Inauguration
by Treniya, 14
I would change how the neighborhoods are put together. I feel like the people are too far apart t... Change My Community
by Hannah, 14