Police are Generally Kind to Teens
By Amanda, 15 in Allentown
Recorded at Youthworks on April 02, 2014
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
sponge bob
by Terrell, 17
I was born in China and I traveled all the way to America for a better life. My birth mother gav...
I Was Born In China
by Mia, 11
Bullied because I was different
by Fatuma, 17
I Love The Millvale Library
by Cassidina, 11
Kids Are Disrespectful To Police
by Davine, 13
Police need to crackdown on drugs/prostitution and make the right decisions
by Yasamin, 16
What Adults Can Do to Help
by Kayle, 14
We live in different places now
by Menuka, Unknown
Adults should be nicer
by Gage, 12
The Police took my Family Members to Jail
by Mimi, 17
Litter in Downtown Pittsburgh
by MGR Summer Dreamers , Unknown
I Want To Be Someone Who Made A Change
by Michael, 15
Wish Adults Didn't Litter
by Braelynn, 7
Career resources at school
by Joshlynn, 16
Programs To Help My Career
by Tavius, 13
My Dream Library
by Clair, 11
Police are Here to Protect and Serve, but Should be Reasonable
by Isaiah, 15
The Futuristic Library
by Chris , Unknown
Harassment is a problem in downtown Pittsburgh
by Masha, Unknown
by Marcaysia, 16
Going To Dc To Fight For Minimum Wage
by Norma, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18