How do facebook, twitter, and social media affect your friendships outside of the internet?
Mo... How does social media affect real-world relationships?
by Sam, Unknown
Parents need to be more involved in their kids lives
by Kidareo, 16
Police are Good
by Ashanti, 11
Chief of Police Should be Respectful and Nice
by Maria, 10
Mckeesport: Is School Relevant?
by Chris , 16
Flaming Church
by Elijah, 10
Why I want a job
by Lauryn, 15
Police in My School
by Brennan, 11
If You Gave Them An Opportunity To Put Their Guns Down
by Lorainne, Unknown
How I would like youth and police to act
by Amanda, 15
Police Should make the Public Feel Safe
by Maddie, 18
East Hills And Police
by Rosa, 11
Relationship Between Employer And Employee
by Dereka, 18
Wish Adults Didn't Litter
by Braelynn, 7
You may not understand why the police do what they do
by Tan, 16
Being successful means supporting your family
by Ty'wann, 12