Don't Be Scary
By Janara, 10 in Allentown
Recorded at ALEC on May 07, 2014
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Oppressive Institutions And The School To Prison Pipeline
by Olivia, 16
Ready to work
by Akile, 17
If I could change one thing in my community it would be our school. I would somehow find a way to...
Change My Community
by Morgan, 14
Profiling by Police
by Anthony, 14
Police Keep Communities Safe
by Allison, 7
I would make Brookline cleaner
by Samantha, 12
Mckeesport: Is School Relevant?
by Matt , 16
Police are Generally Kind to Teens
by Amanda, 15
Good things about Knoxville
by Sam, 12
Brookline Blvd
by Bryn, 10
Job vs Career
by Mason, 18
Unbiased Superintendent
by Wynston, 15
Violence In Braddock
by Deon, 18
Obstacles to achieving my goals
by Masha, Unknown
Police use Power Against People
by Mimi, 17
Police want to prevent bad things from happening
by Shaii, 16
What it means to be a refugee
by Dash, 15
McKeesport Football
by Devine, 11
We can have fresh food here
by Radha, Unknown
The Biggest Issue Is Unemployment And We Need Reform
by Charles, 16
What I want for Beltzhoover
by Dajuan, 14
My Neighborhood
by Shane, 15
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18