By Daniya, 6 in Allentown
Recorded at ALEC on July 15, 2014
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
We need another basketball court
by Janara, 10
Mt Oliver is fun
by Kareen, 10
Police Keep the Peace
by Anthony, 14
Adults should take kids to more places
by Veronica, 13
Interracial Relationships
by Tucker, 15
Me and the Clairton Bears
by Aniyah, 7
by Jao'vveon, 11
Barriers to jobs for teens are transporation, advertising, and the application process
by Akile, 17
I Don't Want A Place That Has Garbage On The Ground
by Cassidina, 11
Why Police are Great
by Kyra, 10
Police Should have Less Power
by Romie, 16
Police are regular people but get a bad reputation
by Yasamin, 16
What I do and employment
by Calvin, 20
Changing my Community
by Tatiyana , 17
Mckeesport: Role Models
by Darnell , 18
What Adults In Millvale Should Care About
by Monet, 16
My Community
by Robert, 8
If I could change one thing about the parks...
by Taylajuneic, 16
Budget Cuts In Education
by Nehemiah, 9
Think Teens Always Cause Trouble
by Montez, 16
Living In Pittsburgh
by Stephen, 14
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18
Report Comment
Awe that's my baby! She was only 6 years old and she was telling the truth on the violence in the neighborhoods.