Adults need to stop shutting down teenagers ideas
by Lauryn, 15
I saw my brother be arrested
by Eric, 14
How do facebook, twitter, and social media affect your friendships outside of the internet?
Mo... How does social media affect real-world relationships?
by Sam, Unknown
Bad Things Happen
by Nasir, 8
Challenges to finding a job
by Ty'wann, 12
Being Born in Kenya
by Salat, 14
Why people fight
by Kareen, 10
My Library
by Bobby , Unknown
by Sianna, 9
I would like to change a few of the people in Brookline
by Liam, 11
Getting A Reference
by Jaimere, 15
by Sydney, Unknown
My Park Isn't Safe
by Zina, 8
Guns and shootings in Knoxville
by Melanie, 11
Officers Look For Reasons To Ask Questions
by Jamal, 19
Police Do a Good Job; Have their priorities straight
by Kolten, 18