Guns and shootings in Knoxville
By Melanie, 11 in Knoxville
Recorded at CLP Knoxville on August 26, 2014
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Where I live and what I do
by James, Unknown
What I would change about Brookline in Spanish
by Miriam, 16
Life in Kenya
by Hassan, Unknown
Love is Love
by Lexie, 14
Trying To Figure Out How To End Racism
by Wynston, 15
Improving Communities Like Wilkinsburg And Greater Pittsburgh
by Rori, 17
All About Me
by Naomi, 11
Differences in wedding celebrations
by Fartuna, 13
Language changes depending who I'm talking to
by Chandra, Unknown
Ready to work
by Akile, 17
The news makes it seem like protect and serve is blind
by Jamont'e, 18
Transportation And Employment
by Senque, 17
Don't want to see anyone get killed
by Sam, 12
My Dad Went to Jail
by Cenniya, 6
Obstacles and what I am proud of
by James, Unknown
Improving the appearance of Brookline
by Liam, 11
About Knoxville
by Melanie, 11
STEM learning should be offered equally to everyone
by Mia, 13
Library And Brookline Blvd
by Brian, 8
Police Should Give Kids Advice
by Germal, 11
My Neighborhood Could be Safer
by Kayle, 14
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18