More tutoring and better technology
By Grace, 16 in McKeesport
Recorded at McKeesport on December 22, 2014
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Letters To The Editor
by Janae, 14
Boys And Girls Are Equal
by Sydney, 12
Pittsburgh Promise Ready!
by Chelsey, 9
Comfortable at school
by Hannah, 15
Support For Students And Fair Suspensions
by Endia, 18
Advice For Kindergarten
by Marissa, 16
I Think That Leadership Means
by Bhavana, 16
Importance of funding for technology and test prep
by Brent, 17
Being A Freshman Is New And Unique
by Dan, 15
Teachers Are A Resource
by D'angelo, 17
Advice For Kindergarten
by Marissa, 17
What A Perfect Classroom Is To Me
by Heaven, 11
How I Learn
by Michael , 13
Our Guidance Counselor Is Getting Stressed
by Sean, 17
Computers and Ipads at Shaler
by George, 12
Boys, Girls, STEM Jobs, And Opportunities
by Prishti, 10
Advice For Kindergarten
by Katie, 16
My School - Good and Bad
by Marquise, 18
Would You Want State Officials To Visit
by Reginaldo, 16
by Hunter, 15
Its not fair to fund schools with property taxes
by Van, 18
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18