Good People in Brookline
By Liam, 11 in Brookline
Recorded at CLP Brookline on January 29, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Kids Are Disrespectful To Police
by Davine, 13
Some Good Some Bad
by Davis, 17
I'm proud to be myself
by Masha, Unknown
Shootings on the Southside Slopes
by Jerzie, 7
Carnivals in McKeesport Story
by Raven, 9
Institutionalized Racism
by Michael, 15
Good and bad things in Knoxville
by Michael, 7
What I Hope To Achieve With Yuir Workshops
by Carlin, 20
by Halee, 6
I was born in China and I traveled all the way to America for a better life. My birth mother gav...
I Was Born In China
by Mia, 11
Eating And Parks
by Bryan, 7
I Would Spend Money On Materials And Meeting Scientists
by Deandre, 13
Born in Somalia
by Sangab, 19
Pittsburgh Needs a Basketball Court
by MGR Summer Dreamers, Unknown
How to improve Mt. Oliver
by Daeveon, 12
My Friends Got Me In Trouble With The Police
by Davine, 13
Best Places In Millvale
by Monet, 16
A Career As An Artist
by Anthony, 15
McKeesport's Schools Story
by Tat'Talaysha, 11
My Community
by Robert, 8
Police Need to Make Wise Decisions
by Kyra, 10
I like the studio, but want to change the violence
by Anthony, 6
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18