Dont Know What I Want And Transportation
by Jasmine, 17
Baby Brother Blake
by Sara, 13
Poverty And School To Prison Pipeline
by Norma, 16
We can have fresh food here
by Radha, Unknown
Good And Bad Things About Braddock
by Deon, 18
Favorite Neighborhood Place
by Shaq, 17
Police should better the community
by Zadorian, 15
Barriers to jobs for teens are transporation, advertising, and the application process
by Akile, 17
Why Police Are Good
by Chienne, 7
Brookline Is A Good Size With Places To Go
by Lane, 13
Teachers Teach Us About Job Skills And Working In Teams
by Jazmine, 12
Very hard to find help
by Masha, Unknown
Our voices matter
by Harun, 17
Family Responsibility
by Sangab, 19
Young people should start working at 14
by Ty'wann, 12
What I like about McKeesport
by Hayley, 9
My Neighborhood
by Jack, 16
I think kids need to appreciate law enforcement
by Brittany, 15
How do facebook, twitter, and social media affect your friendships outside of the internet?
Mo... How does social media affect real-world relationships?
by Sam, Unknown