I'd Rather Learn In The Classroom
By Emma, 10 in Glenshaw
Recorded at The Ellis School on April 20, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Learning science outside
by Quentin, 10
Favorite Place To Learn Is Outside
by Anahi, 10
Protecting The Environment
by Louise, 10
Inspiration comes from outside
by Lucia, 9
The Park is an Important Place
by Terrance, 16
I like being an EcoSteward because...
by Sean M., 16
The Environment
by Jazmine, Unknown
Protecting The Environment
by Michael, 8
The Difference In Learning Outside Is That You're More Open
by Teonna, 18
Indoor vs. Outdoor learning
by Zoe, 9
The Big Green Clean Up
by Verity , 10
Teachers should allow students to explore
by Marita, 16
The pros and cons of learning outside
by Bri, 16
What I like to learn and do outside
by Wes, 11
The Park Is An Important Place
by Lucy, 16
What my school has outside
by Meera, 7
My Favorite Park Memory
by Alexandra, 15
Potential challenges to learning outside
by Sophie, 10
I feel better when I'm outside
by Virginia, 10
Arbor Day At Hazelwood Library
by Tyrenn, 8
Helping The Environment
by Rory, 8
I'm Usually Indoors For School
by Tiana, 15
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18