Going to school for graphic design
Audio Player
By Griffin, 18 in Manchester
Recorded at MCG on April 24, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Favorite things about Brookline and what I would change
by Donavin, 14
Youth And Police Interactions
by Kelsey, 18
What I want for Beltzhoover
by Dajuan, 14
by Halee, 6
Job That Helps People
by Kaijoun, 13
My Mom And Me When I Was Older
by Tashay, 4
School To Prison Pipeline
by Ada, 16
Brownsville is not fun
by Damontae, 10
How Someone Could Help
by Markus, 13
Differences Between Hill District And Midland
by Qumaria, 17
Prejudice And Nationalism
by Dzenana, 16
Unsafe areas
by Crystal, 15
Arresting People
by Ashanti, 11
My Experience With Police
by Chienne, 7
Baby Brother Blake
by Sara, 13
Officers Have Been Comforting
by Brittany, 18
No bullying at Brookline elementary
by Sierra, 14
I Like That We Can Walk Everywhere
by Jake, 11
Living In Pittsburgh
by Stephen, 14
I Want To Help Give Youth Guidance
by Carlin, 20
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18