The difference between a job and career
By Joshlynn, 16 in Brighton Heights
Recorded at MCG on April 24, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Police Need to Make Wise Decisions
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Think Teens Always Cause Trouble
by Montez, 16
Police Protect and Serve
by Isabella, 10
Where I go in My Community
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by Tishaun, 16
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It Takes a Village
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by Hassan, Unknown
Don't Be Scary
by Janara, 10
We don't learn practical things in school
by Lauryn, 15
A Program That Works
by Nakaya, 14
Differences in wedding celebrations
by Fartuna, 13
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The hilltop is good
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Hear Me 101
by Sydney , 17
I Wish There Were More Things To Do In Braddock
by Antoine, 14
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by Karen, 18