Why people fight
By Kareen, 10 in Mt Oliver
Recorded at Hilltop YMCA on July 23, 2014
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Crafts at Village for Kids
by Cami, 5
Why Police are Good
by Jack, 6
Police are Cool
by Isaiah, 15
Northview Heights is a good place
by Dylan, 11
Shooting at church and how to help
by Andre, 11
Respect is something that many people have in this world, but not enough. Respect in my mind is w...
by Kenneth, 17
My latest idea is to make kids do some volunteering each school year. Maybe teachers could intro...
by A.S., 12
The difference between a job and career
by Joshlynn, 16
Youth Are The Game Changers
by Aleksei, 17
You may not understand why the police do what they do
by Tan, 16
People Put Boys And Girls In Different Roles
by Kelsey, 13
by Halee, 6
Some People Get Shot And Stabbed
by Bryan, 7
Mckeesport: Reputation
by Bobbie , 15
Differences in wedding celebrations
by Fartuna, 13
My Garfield
by Dominique, 8
Poverty And School To Prison Pipeline
by Norma, 16
Working At Mc Donalds For Teens
by Jalen, 13
Police Make Me Feel Safe
by Maria, 10
Fights in Mt. Oliver
by Kayle, 14
Favorite Thing About Pittsburgh
by Aurora, 10
What a refugee camp is like
by Dash, 15
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18