Don't Have A Work Permit
By Tyjair, 15
Recorded at MCG on April 24, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Jobs I Would Want On The North Side
by Jalen, 13
Mckeesport: Role Models
by Jerry, 16
My Library
by Brooke , Unknown
Mckeesport: Role Models
by D'Angelo , 18
Please Clean Up Millvale
by Lillian, 6
by Pavla, 15
Our World
by Christine, 12
How People View My Culture
by Abukar, 17
Differences Between Hill District And Midland
by Qumaria, 17
My Community
by Chelsea , Unknown
It's Fun To Be A Teen In Pittsburgh
by Haley, 14
Parks are Important
by Morgan, 15
Police are Good, but Some are Bad
by Germal, 11
Mckeesport: Is school Relevant?
by Mike , 15
I Like That We Can Walk Everywhere
by Jake, 11
Change in Clairton
by Jordon, 15
How do Facebook, Twitter, and social media affect your friendships outside of the internet?
I gr...
Social Media
by Samuel, Unknown
Hardships in my living situation
by Masha, Unknown
New Beginnings
by Miamor, Unknown
Somebody Got Shot
by Alexis, 6
Millvale needs more activities for kids
by Mario, 17
Bad Things Happen
by Nasir, 8
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18