Learning Outside Looks Like Participating In The World
By Alexx, 16
Recorded at Schenley Park on June 02, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Learning Outside Is An Amazing Opportunity And Students At My High School Could Benefit From It
by Teonna, 18
What my school has outside
by Meera, 7
I like being an Eco Steward
by Forest, 19
Enjoying The Fresh Air
by Danielle, 11
When We Learned Outside We Didnt Have To Take A Test On It
by Kristopher, 14
Helping The Environment
by Rory, 8
Brookline is a beautiful place
by Gerson, 11
Earth Day
by Kyra, Unknown
Favorite park memory
by Sam, 15
What is something you wish everybody in your community cared about?
It is appropriate to think...
Why do people litter?
by Cinnamonbun, Unknown
You Can Do A Lot Outside
by Elliot, 11
My Favorite Park Memory
by Kari, 16
What I Learn Outside
by Sabrina, 10
The Environment
by Yuri, 10
My Favorite Park Memory
by Tavon, 14
I like to explore and discover outside
by Parisha, 10
Why You Should Not Litter
by Ni'rayah, 9
When School goes outside you can learn so much
by Parisha, 10
The Park My Narnia
by Sage, 17
We go outside in gym and social studies
by Olivia, 10
Make More Habitats
by Dev, 7
I learn better when I'm outside
by David, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18